Episode 1 - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Here we go! The first episode of the new gaming and humor podcast, where video game newcomer Julia dissects The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt with professional-in-every-sense-of-the-word-except-the-monetary-sense gamers Owen and Aaron.
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Conceived by: Julia
Edited by: Owen
Original music by: Aaron
Special thanks and apologies to: John Schwab (we actually really love your voice and your IMDB makes clear you don't need our praise -- you work like hell) and Doug Cockle (call us); Marcin Przybylowicz & Mikolai Stroinski (we're sorry we aped your score. we love it and we really hope Owen gets married to it one day -- for more on purchasing the amazing Witcher 3 soundtrack go here (https://en.cdprojektred.com/support/original-game-soundtracks-where-to-buy-or-listen/)); all our early listeners who gave us helpful feedback on when we made no sense; and all of you!